Artist Management

“A License To Manage”

A memorandum discussing state licensing requirements for agents and managers.

The website of the London-based International Artist Managers Association (IAMA), a membership organization serving artist managers and agents in the field of classical music in the U.K.., the U.S., Europe, and throughout the world.

“Who Have You Been Sleeping With? Understanding Legal Relationships in the Arts”

A memorandum discussing the legal differences between various parties to a contract, including agents and producers.

For classical musicians considering whether or not you need or are ready for management, we strongly recommend “Be Your Own Manager: A Career Handbook for Classical Musicians” by Bernhard Kerres and Bettina Mehne, two exceedingly respected professionals who have experience working on both sides of arts and artist management in classical music field, and who continue to work with young artists in the development and promotion of their careers.